Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wii U - Doesn't Play DVD and Blu-ray Movies

More info about Nintendo’s new console the Wii U has surfaced. Satoru Iwata, CEO, has said that Wii U online functionality will feature a “more flexible system” for developers to use.
Nintendo has also said that they’ve worked with publishers to enable voice chat (VoIP) and that the Wii U will interact with social sites such as Facebook. They haven’t given us any concrete information, but said gamers will be impressed with the new online infrastructure when all is revealed.
The Wii U will also not play any DVDs or Blu-rays, as Nintendo believes that costs were too high for technology that already exists elsewhere in the household.
Nintendo hopes you’ll wait for the new console which will release in 2012, rather than buying another HD experience console.
Activision has also praised the console, with Eric Hirshberg, Activision Publishing chief, saying:
“They’re committing to HD, greater processing power, digital infrastructure, connected universe at the back end… Those are all the things we need to make a state of the art experience for a lot of games. So we were thrilled to hear their plans and I think that anyone that bets against Nintendo does so at their peril. They’re a pretty great company.”

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